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Exmoor in autumn - a review by Julia Moffett

5th November 2018

At the end of October, Light and Land visited Exmoor to photograph the autumn colour. Here, Julia Moffett shares with us her experience of the tour...

Although Exmoor is one of the most beautiful corners of the world, for me the this trip is really special because “home” for the duration is the warm, friendly, comfortable Exmoor White Horse Hotel

Peter welcomed us, after our long tiring journeys, with a cream tea in front of the log fire in the cosy lounge. We introduced ourselves to old friends and new, and revealed what we would really like to achieve during the trip. 

Looking back through my photos the abiding memories are of a wild upland punctuated by high hedges dotted with rows of trees in their autumn glory, deep wooded river gorges, glorious views over the sea to Wales, beautiful old bridges and hidden valleys where robbers once lived. 

I shall also remember how lovely the group were, always ready with a supporting comment and Ali’s never ending supply of snacks for us all. They were also very kind and laughed at my appalling jokes.

Peter guided us around his “back yard” and always seemed to get to places just at the right time…. including a marvellous back lit valley as the sun was dropping and he made sure we all got the best out of a difficult “straight into the sun” shot.

Not content with getting us up for dawn, looking after us all day, and making sure we had a wonderful evening meal, Peter gave us the opportunity to show some of our work in the evenings… I so enjoy looking at other people's work and marvelling at the variety and talent.

We ate picnics outside basking in the sun, ran back to the minibus to avoid being pelted by hail, shivered in the evening wind once the sun had gone and made the effort to get up early while the stars were still visible to see the dawn. We had every sort of weather…. but the sun was never far away.

Will I go back….. well of course I will!

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